"Merci, Udo": Josep Carreras and his German Foundation mourn Udo Jürgens

A pochi giorni dalla ventesima edizione del José Carreras Gala, Josep Carreras e la  sua fondazione tedesca, la Deutsche José Carreras Leukämie Stiftung piangono un loro grande sostenitore e grande artista. Improvvisamente e inaspettatamente il grande cantante e compositore austriaco Udo Jürgens è venuto a mancare ieri pomeriggio in seguito a un collasso cardiaco. 

Josep Carreras and Udo Jürgens, 1995.
Pochi giorni prima della sua scomparsa, giovedì scorso, Jürgens aveva espresso la propria solidarietà per i pazienti affetti da leucemia via video messaggio nel 20 ° José Carreras Gala, nel quale aveva affermato che Josep Carreras "ha salvato innumerevoli vite. Questa dev'essere una bella sensazione.".

"Udo Jürgens è stato un grande artista e un vero amico. Ha sostenuto la nostra lotta contro la leucemia con tutto il cuore e con grande impegno oltre due decenni. La sua musica vive ancora, ma la persona Udo Jürgens ci mancherà. La nostra solidarietà va alla sua famiglia in questo momento." (Josep Carreras - www.carreras-stiftung.de)

Udo Jürgens era stato ospite già nella prima edizione del José Carreras Gala nel 1995 e lo è stato in altre cinque fino al 17° José Carreras Gala nel 2011, con il gran finale con Josep Carreras e David Garrett nel brano Mein größter Wunsch.
Ecco alcuni dei suoi interventi straordinari e memorabili al José Carreras Gala.

Lo scorso 1 settembre, Josep Carreras ha inoltre preso parte al gala celebrativo dell'ottantesimo compleanno di Jürgens a Friburgo. In questa breve intervista precedente alla cerimonia, il tenore manifesta la propria ammirazione per l'artista celebrato.
Qui potete trovare il post sull'evento con immagini e video
Qui invece trovate il punto esatto dell'intervento del tenore durante la cerimonia, cui segue l'esibizione a trio con David Garrett nel brano Mein größter Wunsch
Ecco la dedica di Carreras:
"Dear Udo, Congratulation for this wonderful event. And... Udo, you have been always very generous and supportive, collaborating with us for the fight against leukaemia. And it is a must, and honour for me, to be with you tonight. As you know, I admire you always very much as an artist, and I have been always amazed by the love, the passion you still have for music, that gives you this wonderful, incredible energy we all admire so much. I... (applause)... I very much hope that we can still celebrate together the next ten, twenty, thirty years to come. Congratulations!!"

Josep Carreras and his German Foundation, the Deutsche José Carreras Leukämie Stiftung mourn for a great supporter and great entertainer. Suddenly and unexpectedly Udo Jürgens passed away yesterday afternoon due to heart failure. A few days before his death, Udo Jürgens had expressed his solidarity with leukemia patients via video message in the 20th José Carreras Gala, in which he emphazised that "José Carreras has saved innumerable lives. That must be a nice sensation.".
"Udo Jürgens was a great artist and a true friend. He has supported our fight against leukemia with all his heart  and with great commitment over two decades. His music lives on, but we will miss the man Udo Jürgens very much. All our solidarity goes to his family now." (Josep Carreras via Deutsche José Carreras Leukämie Stiftung)
Udo Jürgens was already guest in the 1st José Carreras Gala in 1995, and later on  five more memorable editions, culminating in the grand finale with Josep Carreras and David Garrett at the 17th José Carreras Gala in 2011.
Above you will find the videos of  some of his memorable performances in the Galas.
On 1st September, Josep Carreras also took part in the Jürgens' 80th anniversary gala celebration in Freiburg. Above you find a brief video interview before the ceremony, in which the tenor expressed his admiration for the celebrated artist.

Here you can find the post about the event with pictures and videos.

And below here you find the exact content of his intervention during the ceremony, followed by a performance in trio with David Garrett in the song Mein größter Wunsch.
Here is the dedication of Carreras:
"Dear Udo, Congratulation for this wonderful event. And... Udo, you have been always very generous and supportive, collaborating with us for the fight against leukaemia. And it is a must, and honour for me, to be with you tonight. As you know, I admire you always very much as an artist, and I have been always amazed by the love, the passion you still have for music, that gives you this wonderful, incredible energy we all admire so much. I... (applause)... I very much hope that we can still celebrate together the next ten, twenty, thirty years to come. Congratulations!"
